► Indian Institute of Technology Madras Admission 2008 (Last date 26.10.2007)
Material Science
Indian Institute of Technology Madras Admission 2008 (Last date 26.10.2007)
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Ph.D and M.S AdmissionApplications are invited for admission to Ph.D and M.S programmes under regular full time [with / without Half-time Teaching / Research Assistantship (HTRA)] and part-time / external in the engineering departments of Aerospace, Applied Mechanics, Biotechnology, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Engineering Design, Mechanical, Metallurgical & Materials and Ocean and in the departments of Chemistry, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management Studies, Mathematics and Physics.
Application and Admission Brochure may be obtained by post with a request enclosing a self-addressed envelope (26 x 18 cm) and a demand draft for Rs. 250/- (Rs. 125/- in the case of SC / ST / PD / Female candidates) drawn in favour of "NT Madras" payable at Chennai to the Assistant Registrar (Acad.), IIT Madras, Chennai - 600 036 on or before 19.10.2007 by post and upto 26.10.2007 in person. Reservations are applicable to SC / ST / Persons with Disability (PD) candidates as per Govt, of India rules. The envelope must be superscribed as "Request for application for Ph.D / M.S programme". Candidates applying for more than one department should submit a separate application for each department.
Application and Admission Brochure can also be downloaded from the website http://www.iitm.ac.in. Such candidates have to send the demand draft along with a hard copy of the filled in application.
Note: Candidates seeking admission to Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Departments must apply online following the instructions given therein through the respective.
Websites: http://www.chem.iitm.ac.in
The last date for receipt of completed application is 26.10.2007.
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