► IIT Delhi – Ph.D and M.S (By Research) Admissions
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) invites applications for the following Ph.D and MS By Research Programmes
1.Ph.D. : Depts :-
Appl. Mech., Biochem. Engg. Biotech., Chem. Engg, Chemistry, Civil Engg., Com. Sci. & Engg. Elect. Engg. Hum. & Soc. Sci., Management St., Maths. Engg.,Physics, Text. Tech.
Centres :- Appl. Res. in Electron,. Atmos. Sci., Biomed. Engg., Energy Studies, Ind. Tribology Machine Dynamics & Maint. Engg., Instr. Design & Dev., Polymer Sci. & Engg., Rural Dev. & Tech.
Interdisciplinary Research Programms :
Opto-Eleclro & Opti-Communications, Transportation Research & Injury Prevention Programme, Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology, Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management.
2.M.S. (Res.) :-
(1)Applied Mechanics. (2) Chemical Engg. (3) Comp. Sc. & Engg. (4) Elect. Engg. (5) Mech. Engg. (6) Civil Engg. (7) Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology (8) Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology & Management. NB : Admission to Ph. D. S M.S. (R).can be on full time and Part-time basis, depending upon availability of seats.
3. Eligibility : A CGPA of 6.75 for General (6.25 for SC/ST/PH) on a 10 point scale or equivalent or 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PH) in aggregate (of all the years/semesters of the qualifying exam.). A relaxation in CGPA/marks to 6.25 (55%) is also available to those with M.A. Degree in English, for admission to Ph.D. in English. For admission to FT Ph.D./ M S. (R) programme, the GATE Score of a candidate wherever required should not he lower than the minimum prescribed viz. 300 for General and 200 for SC/ST/PH candidates.
For sponsored/part-time candidates the minimum experience required as on 01.01.2009 is 2 years tor Ph.D. and 1 year lor M.S. (R|. For details please reter to intorrnation brochure.
4.Financial Asststance.avaliable for FT PhD./M.S students as per details given in the Information brochure. SC/ST students admitted to M.® and PhD. Programmes are exempted from payment of tuition fee.
Foreign nationals are not eligible to apply against this advertisement. For Application Forms & Information Brochure :- Please visit our website (http://www.iitd.ac.in) from 8.10.2007 onwards to download the Information Brochure and Application Form.
Candidates using .the downloaded Form must deposit in person or send by post, the completed form along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 300- for General (Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/ PH), drawn in favour of "Registrar, IIT Delhi" payable at New Delhi, a self addressed stamped post card, and four address slips, to Deputy Registrar (PGS&R), I IT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016.
The downloaded form not accompanied with the Bank Draft will not be entertained. Information Brochure and Application form can also be had personally or by post against Bank Draft as above from Room No. AD-225 of the Institute.
For getting the form by post, the candidate should send a request with demand draft and a self addressee) envelope (25cm x 20cm] with postage stamps for Rs. 15/- and superscribed "Application for admission to ........................... prog."to
Deputy Registrar (PGSSR),
IIT, Delhi,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
.Separate form should be submitted tor each Deptt./Centre/ Interdisciplinary Programme.
Important Dates :
Issue of Form Commences on : 15.10.2007
Last date of issue of Application form by Post: 12.11.2007
In Person: 19.11.2007
Last date for receipt of completed form : 19.11.2007
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