► PhD Student of Safety Research of the Research Center Dresden-Rossendor
PhD Student: Dresden
Firma/Institution: Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Land: Germany
Position: PhD Position
eingegangen am:12/11/2007
Vacancy Notice Reg.-No 22E/2007
In the Institute of Safety Research of the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf for the period from 01.01.2008 until 31.12.2010 a vacancy is announced as Phd student.
The salary is according to the German TV-L (50 %). In the case of successful work, an up-grading of the salary is possible.
Diploma or MSc in nuclear technology/nuclear engineering, physics or (applied) mathematics skills in nuclear or reactor physics as well as numerics/programming are useful experience in performing reactor physics calculations/handling of reactor physics codes are desirable ability and addiction to theoretical research good knowledge of English language, preferably knowledge of German.
High-temperature reactors consist of a large reactor core with graphite structures as neutron moderator As coolant acts helium gas which is from the point of view of neutron physics practically equivalent to vacuum. This is of relevance for reactor physics because neutrons are streaming through the coolant channels without interaction. This may lead to significant anisotropy of the neutron flux. That's why the task consists in the development of a method for the description of anisotropy effects in the neutron flux in gas-cooled high-temperature reactors.
Specific tasks are:
Improvement of existing mathematical approaches for transport corrections in the neutron diffusion equation
Implementation into the reactor code DYN3D
Verification of the method against reference solutions obtained by applying Monte Carlo or deterministic transport codes
Elaboration of a PhD work, publication of results.
Please address your application (including a list of publications) with the Registration-No. 22E/2006 by November 30, 2007 to
Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Personnel division
P.O. Box 51 01 19
01314 Dresden, Germany
For further information, please contact Dr. Ulrich Rohde, Tel.: +49 351 260 2040, Email: u.rohde@fzd.de and/or Prof. Dr. Frank-Peter Weiß,
Tel.: +49 351 260 3480, Email: f.p.weiss@fzd.de.
Women are explicitly invited to apply. Handicapped will be preferred in case of equal qualification.
More information about the Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf can be found in the internet under http://www.fzd.de/
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