► Central University Hyderabad
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Central University Hyderabad
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HCU (Hyderabad Central University) or University of Hyderabad is located at Gachibowli in Hyderabad. Universities are usually established by State governments and the central universities were established under parliament act. Governor will be the chancellor for state universities and the president of india is the chancellor for central universities.Official website of Hyderabad central university is www.uohyd.ernet.in
List of Central universities in india:
OU ( Osmania university) , ANGRAU ( Acharya NG Ranga Agriculture University), HCU ( Hyderabad central university), Moulana Azad Urdu university, JNTU ( Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University), BRAOU ( Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University) , NALSAR ( National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University) or University of Law AND Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University are the universities in Hyderabad.
Schools of Study at Hyderabad central university:
Mathematics & Computer/Information Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Management Studies, Sarojini Naidu School of Perfoming Arts, Fine Arts & Communication, Engineering Sciences & Technology and Medical Sciences are the schools of study at Hyderabad central university.
Programme of study at school of Physics at central university Hyderabad:
School of physics at HCU offers Integrated M.Sc. (Physics) (in collaboration with Special Centre for Integrated Studies), M.Sc. (Physics), M.Tech. in Computational Techniques, M.Tech. in IC Technology, Ph.D. in Physics, and Ph.D. in Electronics Science.
School of Life sciences at Hyderabad central university:
The school of life sciences has the following departments.
1) Department of Biochemistry
2) Department of Plant Sciences
3) Department of Animal Sciences
4) Department of Biotechnology
The Department of Biochemistry at school of life sciences at central university Hyderabad offers M.Sc. Biochemistry , M.Tech Medical Biotechnology and Ph.D Biochemistry
The Department of Plant Sciences at school of life sciences Hyderabad central university offers M.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology, M.Sc. Molecular Microbiology and Ph.D. Plant Sciences
The Department of animal sciences, school of life sciences at central university Hyderabad offers a four-semester M.Sc. course in Animal Biotechnology and Ph.D. program.
Department of Biotechnology at school of life sciences at central university Hyderabad offers M.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Tech Bioinformatics and Ph. D Biotechnology.
School of Humanities at central university Hyderabad has the following departments and these departments offer M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D.
1) Department of English
2) Department of Philosophy
3) Department of Hindi
4) Department of Telugu
5) Department of Urdu
6) Department of Sanskrit Studies
7) Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies
Centre for Comparative Literature
9) English Language Teaching cell
School of social sciences at Hyderabad central university has the following departments and offer M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D.
1) Department of Economics
2) Department of History
3) Department of Political Science
4) Department of Sociology
5) Department of Anthropology
6) Centre for Regional Studies
7) Centre for Folk Culture Studies

sarojini naidu school of performing arts, fine arts & Communication at Hyderabad central university has started functioning from 1988-89 and offers Masters-level courses in Dance, Theatre Arts, Painting and Communication and Doctoral (Ph.D.) programmes in Communication, Theatre Arts, and Dance and has the following departments.
1) Department of Dance
2) Department of Performing Arts
3) Department of Fine Arts
4) Department of Communication
School of Management Studies at Hyderabad central university offers M.B.A. Programme in Marketing Management, Finance Management, Human Resources Management, Operations Management, and Information Technology in Management, Entrepreneurship and Ph.D. Programme in Management Studies
Centre for Physical Fitness and Sports Sciences at school for medical sciences offers admission for one year full time Postgraduate Diploma in Health Fitness and Life Style Management from the academic year 2008-09.
School of Engineering Science and Technology ( SEST) at HCU is offering integrated M.Tech and Ph.D in material engineering from the academic year 2008-09.
Admissions into Hyderabad central university:
Entrance Examination at Central University Hyderabad:
The Entrance Examinations for various P.G. Degree Courses, other than those offered by the Sarojini Naidu School and M.Sc Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry consist of a written test of 100 marks.
The entrance examinations in the case of MPA, MFA, and M.A. in Communication in the Sarojini Naidu School will consist of written and practical tests/interviews. The weightage for written test and practical/oral tests will be in the ratio of 60:40 for M.A. Communication and 50:50 for other courses in the S.N. School. Successful candidates at the written test are called for interview.
The entrance examination for M.Sc Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, M.Phil., M.Tech. Computational Techniques, IC Technology, Medical Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, and Ph.D. will consist of a written test and an interview. The written test will carry 75 marks and the interview 25 marks.
Medals for excellence in studies
With a view to encourage good performance in studies, the University has instituted several donor medals.
The toppers in all Master's degree Courses are awarded the University Medals or Donor Medals.
SC/ST Medals
The University has instituted medals for securing the first rank in first class among the SC/ST students in various examinations at Master's degree level in the year 1991 - the birth centenary of Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
President of India Medal
President of India Medal will be awarded biennially for a PG student for overall performance to a student adjudged as best for general proficiency including character, conduct, excellence in academic, social service and extra curricular activities.
University Medal for Physically Challenged Students
The University has instituted a medal for the meritorious student from amongst the physically challenged category from P.G. Courses.
Medals for excellence in studies offered by Central university to its students are
Donor Medals
1. Sarojini Naidu Memorial Trust - M.A. English
2. Roopchand Chajed (Jain) Medal - M.A. Hindi
3. Dr. Prakash Moonis Memorial Medal - M.A. Urdu
4. M/s. Jindal Jubilee Gold Medal - M.A. Economics
5. Andhra Bank Medal - M.A. History
6. Canara Bank Medal - M.A. Communication
7. Natarajaramakrisha Sharada Devi Medal - M.P.A. Dance
8. Sri S.L. Parasher Medal - M.F.A. Painting
9. M/s. Jindal Jubilee Gold Medal - M.Sc Maths
10. M/s. Narosa Publishing House Medal - M.Sc Maths
11. A.P. Mahesh Bank Medal - M.C.A.
12. Bhagwat Saran Agarwal Memorial Medal - M.Sc Physics
13. Vasavi Academy of Educational Medal - M.Sc Electronics
14. Vasavi Academy of Educational Medal - M.B.A.
15. Prof. V.V. Sarma Memorial Medal - M.Sc Chemistry
16. Prof.A.N. Radhakrishna Memorial Medal - M.Sc Biochemistry
17. K.L.N. Reddy Medal - M.Sc Plant Science
18. Kiran Kumar Medal - M.Sc Animal Science
19. The Burhani Trust A.P. Medal - M.Sc. Biotechnology
20. State Bank of Hyderabad Medal - M.Tech C.S
21. Alekhya Technology Medal - M.Tech A.I.
22. IDRBT Medal - M.Tech. I.T.
23. Mannapalli Subbaramaiah Medal- Over all for M.Tech CS/AI/IT
24. Smt.N.V.Ranganayakamma Medal - M.Phil Physics
25. Prof. G.C. Jain Medal - M.Phil Urdu
26. Roopchand Chajed (Jain) Medal - M.Phil Hindi
27. Akhtar Hassan Memorial Medal - M.Phil. Urdu
28. Dr.(Mrs.) Sheela Raj Memorial Medal - M.Phil or Ph.D. History (if the student get Ph.D in any particular year
29. President of India Medal - Overall peprformance (Bienially)
30. Pingali Mohan Reddy Medal - Overall performance in PG in Life Sciences
31. Alumini Medal - M.A. Anthropology (for a topper in Social Anthropology subject)
Donor Medals for Women toppers
Smt. Ravuri Kantamma Bhardwaja Medal - M.A. Telugu
State Bank of India Medal - M.A. Economics
A.P. History Congress Medal - M.A. History
Prof. G. Ram Reddy Memorial Medal - M.A. Political Sci.
Prof. M. Shakuntala Memorial Medal - M.Sc Physics
Prof. M. Shakuntala Memorial Medal - M .Sc Electronics
The toppers in the remaining Master's degree Courses are awarded the University Medals.
University Medal M.A. in Philosophy, Functional Hindi, Telugu,
Applied Language, Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology M.P.A. Theatre Arts and M.Sc Statistics
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