► Pondicherry University, MA, MSc, PhD, MBA, MCA,.. Admissions 2012
Pondicherry University, MA, MSc, PhD, MBA, MCA,.. Admissions 2012
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Pondicherry University
Admissions 2012

Applications have been invited by Pondicherry University for admission to the following Courses of Academic Year 2012-13, to be conducted in its departments, affiliated Institutions and Colleges.
MA:Anthropology / Applied Economics / English & Comparative Literature / French (Translation & Interpretation) / Hindi / History / Mass Communication / Philosophy / Politics & International Relations / Sanskrit / Sociology / South Asian Studies / Tamil
MSc:Applied Geology / Applied Psychology / Biochemistry & Molecular Biology / Bioinformatics / Biotechnology / Chemical Sciences / Coastal Disaster Management (at Port Blair, Andamans) / Computational Biology / Computer Science / Ecology and Environmental Sciences / Electronic Media / Food Science & Nutrition / Food Science & Technology / Marine Biology (at Port Blair, Andamans) / Mathematics / Microbiology / Physics / Statistics
MA / MSc(Five Year Integrated Programme): Applied Geology / Chemistry / Computer Science / Economics / Mathematics / Physics / Statistics / History / Politics / International Studies / Sociology
MTech:Computer Science and Engineering / Electronics / Environmental Engineering & Management / Exploration Geosciences / Green Energy Technology / Nano Sciences & Technology / Network & Internet Engineering
MBA:Banking Technology / Insurance Management (only in Karaikal Campus) / International Business / Tourism
MCA, MCom, MEd, MLIS, MPEd, MSW, MPA: MCA (at Puducherry & Karaikal) / MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science) / MPA (Master of Performing Arts) / MSW (Master of Social Work) / MCom (Business Finance at Puducherry & Karaikal) / MCom (Accounting & Taxation) / MEd (Master of Education) / MPEd (Master of Physical Education) / LLM(Corporate Law)
PG Diploma:Asian Christian Studies / Biotechnology / Computer Applications / Event Management / Fundamental Hindi & Translation / Health Fitness and Life Style Management / Human rights / Industrial Psychology / Industrial relations & Labour Law / Investment Management / Library Automation & Networking / Journalism & Mass communication / Planning & Evaluation / Professional Communication in English / Rural Development / Simulation & Modeling / Statistical & Research Methods / Television Products / Teaching skills / Theatre Arts / Women's studies / Foreign Trade
Doctoral Programmes:Adult & Continuing Education / Anthropology / Applied Psychology / Asian Christian Studies / Banking Technology / Biochemistry & Molecular Biology / Bioinformatics / Biotechnology / Chemistry / Coastal Disaster Management / Commerce / Computer Science & Engineering / Drama & Theatre Arts / Earth Sciences / Ecology and Environmental Science / Economics / Education / Electronic Media / English / Environmental Technology / Food Science & Nutrition / Food Science & Technology / French / Green Energy Technology / Hindi / History / International Business / Library & Information Sciences / Management / Marine Biology (at Port Blair, Andamans) / Mass Communication / Mathematics / Nano Science & Technology / Philosophy / Physical Education & Sports / Physics / Politics & International Studies / Sanskrit / Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policies / Social Work / Sociology / South Asian Studies / Southern Asia Studies / Statistics / Tamil / Tourism / Women’s Studies
Affiliated Institutions:
(i) Vector Control Research Centre: Chemistry / Epidemiology
(ii) Regional Medical Research Centre, Port Blair, Andamans: Entomology / Microbiology
(iii) Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Puducherry: (Admissions restricted to Puducherry residents only) Botany / Chemistry / Commerce / English / Physics / Tamil / Zoology
(iv) Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry: Chemistry / Civil Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Mathematics / Mechanical Engineering / Physics
(v) French Institute of Pondicherry: Indology / Ecology / Geomatics
(vi) Zoological Survey of India, Port Blair, Andamans: Taxonomy / Ecology / Zoogeography
(vii) Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women: (First preference to the residents of Puducherry) Home Science
(viii) Frontier LifeLine Hospital: Biochemical Pharmacology / Biotechnology / Cardiovascular Biology / Clinical Biochemistry / Toxicology / Green Energy Technology / Microbiology / Nano Science & Technology
Selection: Selection will be based on entrance examination to be conducted on 26-27 May 2012 at Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jalander, Jammu, Karaikal, Kochi, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Madurai, Mangalore, Mumbai, Mysore, New Delhi, Patna, Port Blair (Andamans), Puducherry, Pune, Ranchi, Shillong, Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruchirappalli, Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam centres.
How to Apply:
(i) Online: Application forms can be submitted online through the website: www.pondiuni.edu.in Send the hard copy of application (in A4 size) along with the original bank challan for the prescribed fee to The Deputy Registrar (Academic II ), Pondicherry University, R. V. Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry 605 014
(ii) By Post:For Application Form by post write with course name to The Deputy Registrar (Academic II ), Pondicherry University, R. V. Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry 605 014 along with a self-addressed envelope of size 32cm x 25cm, stamped for Rs.90 / -. Request for application must be superscribed on the envelope 'Request for application form for admission...' (Course name)
(iii) In Person:The application form can also be obtained from the Pondicherry University Staff Co-operative Credit Society at the University campus on payment of the cost of the application form plus Rs. 10 / - as service charge.
Application Fee
For all courses Rs.100 / - (Rs. 50 / - for SC / ST, exempted for physically and visually challenged candidates - supported with relevant certificates). Use separate applications for each programme.
Mode of Payment
Application fee may be credited at Pondicherry University Account in any of the following banks all over India under Core Banking System (Challan to be downloaded from the website: www.pondiuni.edu.in):
1. Any of the branches of INDIAN BANK with instruction to credit it to Account No.6018625294 along with challan number. OR
2. Any of the branches of STATE BANK OF INDIA with instruction to credit it to Account No. 32225505012 along with challan number.
Important Dates:
Issue of Application form: 16 March 2012
Last date for issue of Application form by Post: 13 April 2012
Last date for issue of Application form in person: 6 April 2012
Last date for submission of filled in application form: 16 April 2012
Date of Entrance Examination: 26, 27 May 2012
For more information, visit the website: www.pondiuni.edu.in
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