► JEST 2013, Application Form Online, JEST 2013 Registration, Notification, Syllabus
theoretical physics
JEST 2013, Application Form Online, JEST 2013 Registration, Notification, Syllabus
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JEST - Joint Entrance Screening Test : A common qualifying test for admissions to Ph.D. programmes in Physics at premier Indian research institutions and a Ph.D.


Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, has been announced the notifications about JEST 2013 Application Form Online, JEST 2013 Registration, Notification, Syllabus Exam Date, Pattern.
- M.Sc. in Physics or M.Sc. / M.E. / M.Tech. in related disciplines.
- M.Sc. in Mathematics / Applied Physics / Applied Mathematics / Optics and Photonics / Instrumentation / Electronics will also be considered at IIA.
- B.E. or B.Tech. will also be considered at IISc, IMSc, IUCAA, JNCASR, NCRA-TIFR RRI, IISER Mohali, IISER Pune, IISER Thiruvananthapuram and SNBNCBS.
- Talented final year B.Sc. and first year M.Sc. in Physics / Electronics / Astronomy / Applied Mathematics students may also apply to be pre-selected for research scholarship at IUCAA.
- MSc in Physics, Engineering Physics or Applied Physics will also be considered at IPR.
- M.Sc./ M.E. / M.Tech. / M.C.A. in Computer Science and related disciplines, and should be interested in the mathematical aspects of computer science. Visit website of IMSc For more information.
- At HRI, IISER-Pune, SNBNCBS, and NCRA-TIFR candidates with a Bachelor's degree will also be considered for the integrated M.Sc., Ph.D. programme in Physics.
- At IMSc, graduates with Bachelor’s degree in science/ mathematics/ /statistics /computer science/information technology/Engineering will also be considered for admission in Physics and in Theoretical Computer Science, as part of an integrated Ph.D. programme. All candidates successful in the course work of this programme shall be awarded an M.Sc. degree.
- At SNBNCBS, graduates with B.Sc. (Physics) / B.E. / B.Tech. degree will be considered for the integrated Post-B.Sc.-Ph.D. programme in subject areas mentioned above.
- At IIA, graduates with B.Sc. (Physics / Mathematics) / B.E. / B.Tech. in Electrical / Instrumentation / Engineering Physics / Electronics and Communications / Computer Science and Engineering / Optics and Photonics will be considered.
- Graduates with M.Sc. (Physics / Applied Physics) / Post-B.Sc. (Hons) in Optics and Optoelectronics / Radio Physics and Electronics / B.E. / B.Tech. degree in subjects mentioned above will be considered. Visit IIA website for details.
- Graduates with Bachelor’s degree in Physics/Technology/Engineering will be considered for the Int. Ph.D. programme in Physics.
Participating Institutes
Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Nainital: Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Atmospheric Physics.
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad: Theoretical Physics, Astrophysics
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam: Solid State Phase transformations, Superconductivity, Structure and dynamics of soft condensed matter, Band structure studies, Accelerators based Irradiation induced phenomena, Low-dimensional systems, Physics of interfaces, Nano-materials, Thin films technology and Theoretical physics
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astronomical Instrumentation, Optics, and Atomic Physics.
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore: Condensed Matter Physics (Experiments and Theory), Astronomy and Astrophysics (Theoretical), Atomic and Optical Physics (Experimental), Biocrystallography and Bio-informatics, and High Energy Physics (Theoretical).
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali: Quantum Theory, Quantum Information Processing, NMR-Methodology, Optics, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Thermodynamics, Non-linear Dynamics, String Theory, Ultrafast Physics, and Low Temperature Mesoscopic Physics.
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune: Field Theory, Theoretical Particle Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Non-linear Dynamics, Complex Systems and Networks,
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Quantum Information Processing, Radio Astrophysics, Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics, Energy Studies, Solar and Plasma Physics, Nanosciences,
Scanning Probe Techniques, and Semiconductor Physics and Devices.
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram: Experimental Condensed Matter: Magnetic and Superconducting materials, Nanoscience and Energy materials, Photonics, Soft Condensed Matter, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Surface Sciences and Nano-scale Plasmonics, Terahertz and Ultrafast Spectroscopy; Theory: Cosmology, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Gravitational Wave Physics, Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Field Theory, and Statistical Physics.
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai: Theoretical Physics, and Theoretical Computer Science.
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar: Physics (Condensed Matter, Nuclear and High Energy Physics) and Accelerator-based Research.
Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar: Physics (Experimental and Theoretical).
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune: Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore: Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Mechanics, and Materials Science.
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune: Astronomy and Astrophysics.
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar: Theoretical High Energy Physics and Lattice QCD, Experimental High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics (Theory and Experiment), Optics and Metamaterials.
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad: Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Space and Atmospheric Sciences, Planetary Science and Geo-Sciences.
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore: Lasers and their Applications, Laser Plasma Interaction, Cold Atom Physics, Condensed Matter Physics (Superconductivity and Magnetism, Crystals and Thin Films), Nanomaterials and Applications, Non-linear and Ultrafast Optical Studies, Beam Physics, and Free Electron Laser.
Raman Research Institute, Bangalore: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Light and Matter Physics, Soft Condensed Matter Physics (Liquid Crystals, Physics in Biology), and Theoretical Physics.
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata: Condensed Matter Physics (Theory and Experiments), Nuclear Physics (Theory and Experiments), High Energy Physics (Theory and Experiments), Astroparticle Physics, Quantum Gravity, String Theory, Mathematical Physics, and Materials Science (Surface Science and Plasma Physics).
Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata: Astrophysics and Cosmology, Chemical and Biological Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Mathematical Physics, Nanosciences, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Statistical Physics, and Complex Systems.
UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore: Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films and Nanomaterials, Physics at Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields, X-ray, Optical and Electron Spectroscopic Studies Using Synchrotron and Laboratory Sources; Electrical, Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter; Condensed Matter studies using Magnetic Neutron Diffraction, Nuclear Technique Based Condensed Matter Physics-Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy, Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Gamma Ray Spectroscopy of Nuclear High Spin States, and Nuclear Reactions.
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata: Accelerator Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Nuclear Physics (Experiments and Theory), Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (Experiments, Theory, QCD and QGP), and Physics of Neutrinos (Experiments).
To apply by post, please send a request for printed application along with a self-addressed stamped envelop with postage of Rs 40 (Rupees forty only) affixed on it, by post to the following address:
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
I/AF Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700064
Requests for application received after November 30, 2012 will not be considered.To apply online, applicants must create an account using a valid e-mail ID. This account will remain valid from the time of account creation till one month after the date of declaration of results, for that year. Email ids are locked to the created account and to the application, and will be used for all communications with the applicants. Therefore, the email id should be active and must not be changed during this period.To submit online application, applicants must login to the created account and complete the application form. After submission, an unique submission number will be issued. This number must be quoted by the applicant for any communication with the JEST authorities.
Application Fee
Fee can be deposited directly to the following Account from any Branch of the State Bank of India or Associated Banks of SBI using the standard Pay-in slip and collect the counterfoil. Fee can also be made through NET Banking facility (3rd party transfer) or Inter-bank transfer, NEFT to the following account. A print out of the internet transaction receipt must be forwarded as proof of payment.
A/c No.: 32602922844.
Name : JEST 2013.
Amount: Rs.100/- (for SC/ST Rs.50/-).
Send the proof of payment to the JEST authorities by either of the following means, after obtaining your Unique Submission Number by following these instructions.
Write your Name and Unique Submission Number on receipt/counterfoil/challan and scan and send by email to jest.2013@saha.ac.in
with a subject line : Receipt/Counterfoil/Challan. The last date for sending the Fee receipt/Counter foil is 15th December, 2012.
Write your Name and Unique Submission Number on receipt/counterfoil/challan and send by post to
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Sector-1, Block-AF,
Kolkata-700 064,
Alternately, Fee can be paid by obtaining a DD and mailed to the above postal address:
Proof of payment should reach the authorities on or before: December 15, 2012.
Application Form
- The application fee of Rs. 100 (Rs. 50 for SC/ST) must be paid along with your application.
- Please make sure you have read carefully the application instructionsand eligibility criteria of each of the institutes, for various programmes, by visiting their respective websites before filling up the form.
- Use your email address to login to your account to start the online form submission.
- While filling up the form you will be asked to upload jpeg files of your passport sized photograph and your signature. The size of the individual files should not exceed 100 Kilo bytes. In case the jpeg file of your photo taken with camera exceeds the limit, you should compress the file size using compression softwares available. There are websites, such as http://jpeg-optimizer.com, http://www.imageoptimizer.net, through which you can compress the jpeg file. Your signature can be scanned with a digital scanner, and saved as JPEG file for uploading. In case this file size produced by scanner also exceeds 100 kB limit, you can compress it using the same tools as above. Please make sure the image type is of JPEG by right click --> properties of the file being uploaded.
- You are strictly advised to retain an identical photograph, to be pasted on the admit card, in case it is not printed on the admit card.
- Please use black ball pen / sketch pen for the signature which is to be scanned and uploaded.
- You can save and edit an incomplete form by clicking on "Save Draft" but no changes can be made after final submission (when you click on "Submit").
- Incomplete applications, at the draft stage, will be removed after the last date of online submissions.
- You will receive an email with submitted data of your form at your email address. This will contain a unique submission number which will be used for all communication purposes.
- Online submissions will be automatically closed by the last date.
- Please re-visit the site for downloading your Admit Card.
Important Dates
- JEST 2013 will be held on 17th February 2013.
- Last Date for online Form submission is extended to 12th December 2012.
- Results will be announced in the month of March 2013.
- Interviews will start from the last week of April 2013.
Posted by our guest writer S . If there is any content violations Report the Administrator by clicking "Report Problem".
how to apply jest 2013 by post(off-line mode).where to download that application form.pls send me the way.