Science Academies’
Refresher Course in Statistical Physics
sponsored by
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad
in collaboration with
Nehru Science and Arts College, Kanhangad, Kerala
8–21 May 2013
A Refresher Course in Statistical Physics for college/university teachers will be held at Nehru Science and Arts College, Kanhangad, Kerala, from 8 to 21 May 2013. The Course is aimed at college teachers of statistical mechanics at the B.Sc./M.Sc. level. The Course will cover the basic concepts and techniques of Statistical Physics in a pedagogical manner, through lectures and tutorials. Some advanced topics will also be covered. Discussions will include common difficulties faced by students, problems designed to explain concepts, and techniques to improve the presentation and teaching skills of participants. College/university teachers having at least a master’s degree in physics/ mathematics/engineering are encouraged to apply.
Topics: Most of the topics in a standard B.Sc./M.Sc. level course syllabus will be covered. There will be six courses dealing with fundamental concepts of statistical physics, probability theory, thermodynamics, quantum statistical physics and Bose–Einstein condensation, phase transitions and critical phenomena, and Monte Carlo techniques and stochastic evolution.
Resource Persons: Chandan Dasgupta (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), Deepak Dhar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai), Sanjay Puri (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), K. P. N. Murthy (University of Hyderabad), Rajesh Ravindran (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai), P. K. Mohanty (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata), V. M. Bannur (University of Calicut) and Sumedha (National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar).
Course Directors: Chandan Dasgupta and Deepak Dhar
Course Coordinators: Rajesh Ravindran and K. Udayanandan
Teachers/research scholars who wish to participate should send a short letter explaining their reasons for wanting to participate along with a brief curriculum vitae (including name, date of birth, gender, educational qualifications with marks obtained, teaching experience, typical courses taught, positions held, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, etc.).
The applications should be sent (preferably by e-mail) to e-mail: refresher @ imsc. res .in
Postal address:
Professor Rajesh Ravindran,
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus,
Taramani, Chennai 600 113
Selected participants will be provided local hospitality and round trip shortest train fare (3-tier AC).
Last date for receipt of applications: 28 February 2013.
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