Central University of Tamil Nadu,
Collectorate Annexe,
Thanjavur Road,Thriuvarur-610 004.
Collectorate Annexe,
Thanjavur Road,Thriuvarur-610 004.
Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur invites applications for admission to the PhD Programme in Mathematics. For downloading the application, please click here.
Important Instructions to the applicants
1. The Fellowship holders in Sl. No.10 of the application may have to appear in an Entrance Test apart from Interview. This is subject to the clarification by UGC in this regard.
2. The candidates have to fill in the application in his/her handwriting.
3. The application fee is Rs.500/-. For Women, PWD, SC/ST candidates, the application fee is Rs.300/-.
4. Ensure that the Demand Draft fulfils the following requirements:
(i) It is in favour of Registrar, Central University of Tamil Nadu payable at Thiruvarur.
(ii) It has the details such as Date of issue, Name and IFSC no. of the issuing branch, Name and IFSC no. of the drawee branch, Signature of the authorized person, Amount in words and figure, Names of the Applicant and Programme applied for on the back of the DD.
5. Incomplete applications or applications without relevant certificates/documents in support of any information desired in the application form will not be considered and will be rejected outright.
6. Canvassing in any form will also lead to rejection of application.
7. Those who have applied earlier for the advertisement dated 24-06-2013 need not apply again.
8. Please superscribe the envelope containing your application as Application for Admission to PhD in Mathematics.
9. Last date for submission of the filled in application to the following address is 05-09-2013:
The Registrar, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Collectorate Annexe,Thanjavur Road, Thriuvarur-610 004.
For more information visit: http://cutn.ac.in/news_det.php?id=MjEw
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