► Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process, CAP 2015, Trial, Allotment
Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process, CAP 2015, Trial, Allotment
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Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) 2015
University of Calicut introduces Centralized Admission Process for admission to Under Graduate programmes in its affiliated colleges from the academic year 2014-2015. The Centralized Admission Process (CAP), offers facility for online submission of single application for admission to various degree programmes in multiple colleges affiliated to the University. CAP helps students to submit applications to affiliated colleges of their choice through simple online steps. This hassle-free process is time saving, cost effective and ensures transparency in admission.
Latest Notice – UG CAP 2015 Trial Allotment will be available on July 04 10.00 a.m
For UG 2015 Registration to avail seats in the Management, Sports, Lakshadweep, Jammu Kashmir student quota students can register after the First Allotment. The link for fee payment and registration will be made available.
Centralized Admission Process (CAP) Admission to the UG Programmes in Arts and Science colleges (except UG programmes to which admission is based on entrance examinations and BA Afsal-ul-Ulama) affiliated to the University of Calicut including 50 % of seats set apart for Merit Admission in the Self Financing colleges for the Academic Year 2015-2016 will be conducted through Centralized Admission Process ) as per the details given below.
The Centralized Admission Process (CAP), offers facility for online submission of application to various colleges and programmes. Students can opt upto 30 programmes of their choice on priority basis from the affiliated colleges through simple online steps available in CAP (website www.cuonline.ac.in).
This hassle-free process is time saving, cost effective and ensures transparency in admission. The online allotment process provides the candidates, the opportunity to obtain admission to any of the affiliated colleges/Centres and to the programmes of his/her choice on the basis of merit. It also helps to give maximum exposure to various colleges and programmes under the jurisdiction of the University.
Classification/Categorization of Seats: The seats available in the colleges are classified as merit,reservation and community/management seats.
Merit: The seats filled by the University in Government/Aided/Un Aided (Self-financing) and Self Financing programmes in Aided colleges purely on the basis of the merit.
Reservation: The seats filled by the University in Government/Aided/UnAided and Self Financing programmes in Aided colleges that are earmarked for SEBC/BPL/SC/ST/OBX/OBH etc and Reservation seats for candidates from Union Territory of Lakshdweep/Tamil Linguistic Minority /Person with disabilities/Sports etc.
Community: The seats in Aided colleges that are filled by the Management concerned on the basis of merit among their community.
Management: The seats in Aided, Un Aided and Self Financing Courses in Aided colleges filled by the management.
Eligibility to apply for Centralized Admission Process
Candidates declared eligible for higher studies in the Kerala HSE examinations/Examinations equivalent there to can apply for admission to various Under Graduate Programmes of Calicut University through Centralized Admission Process (CAP).
Those who fulfill the above eligibility and seek admission to the following seats shall apply through Centralized Admission Process.
A trial allotment will be conducted to give the applicants an idea about the chances of getting allotment to a programme and college based on the options, merit and reservation rules. After the trial allotments candidates will be allowed to verify and correct their options. The trial allotment does not guarantee that the candidate will get allotment in a college or a programme of his/her choice, since the ranks may vary in actual allotment subject to the rearrangement of options by applicants after the trial allotment.
First Allotment
After the trial allotment and the period earmarked for rearranging options the first allotment list will be published on the date as per the schedule.
On receiving allotment to a particular option , all other lower options will be automatically cancelled and only the higher options will prevail until deletion or modification by the candidate.
There will be five allotments for the admission.
The candidates who receive allotment should pay the following mandatory fee (in single E-chalan/online payment) within the time prescribed (as per the schedule in page 1), for confirmation of the allotment.
Remittance of Mandatory fee
A) For General Category Rs 230/- as given below.
1. Sports affiliation fee : Rs.100/-
2. Matriculation fee : Rs.80/-
3. University Union fee : Rs.50/-
B) For SC/ST
A refundable fee of Rs 20/- only need be remitted. The fee will be refunded only after the completion of the whole procees of admission.
After remitting such fee, candidates should again login to the CAP using CAP ONLINE ID and Password received during the registration and accept the allotment. At this stage the candidate will be deemed to have accepted the admission to the course and college allotted. Those who fail to remit the fee or those who fail accept allotment on or before the time prescribed for the same , will lose the current allotment as well as the eligibility for further allotments.
If the candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered for further allotments, candidate must cancel all the remaining higher options. Candidates retaining all or any one of his/her higher options after an allotment are bound to accept the next allotment.
Failing to do this will result in losing previous allotment as well as the new allotments.
Cancellation of Option/rearrangement of priority of options:
Candidates can login into CAP from the home page and edit/ modify or delete the options submitted earlier within the prescribed time.
Candidates can login into CAP from the home page and edit/ modify or delete the options submitted earlier within the prescribed time.
Other details related to allotments
If a candidate gets allotment to a particular programme and college, based on his/her option, he/she shall report/join the programme by the scheduled date, failing which, he/she will lose that allotment and will not be considered for any further allotments.
Candidates will not be allotted to a college/programme not opted by them.
A candidate is bound to accept an allotment as per the priority of options registered. If he/she gets allotment in the subsequent phase, based on higher options against, he/she has to relinquish the seat already occupied by him/her.
Request to retain a previous allotment after subsequent allotment (according to his/her higher options registered) will not be considered under any circumstances.
Reporting to the College for admission
All the candidates who get allotment should report for admission at the college concerned after remitting the fee (University manadatory fee-see clause 9.3 A & B).The candidates should produce the following documents in original before the Principal/Head of the college/Institution at the time of admission.
- The print out of the application
- College copy of the E-chalan/online payment slip for registration fee.
- Receipt/Chalan of the fee remitted for acceptance of allotment. (University manadatory fee see clause 9.3 A & B).
- Age proof
- Qualifying Certificate.
- Mark List(s) of the qualifying examination.
- Transfer Certificate received from the Institution last studied.
- Conduct Certificate.
- Equivalency /Recognition Certificate ( if applicable).
- Any other documents (Income Certificate / Nativity Certificate /Community Certificate) as directed by the admitting authorities.
- Candidates who claim bonus/weightage marks shall produce relevant certificates.
Confirmation of Admission
As the allotment is made based on the information furnished online by the candidate, the eligibility should be confirmed by the Principal/Head of the college/Institution at the time of admission. The Principal/Head of the college/Institution should verify the original documents produced, with the details furnished by the candidates in the online application. Any discrepancies which invalidate the allotment should be informed to the University and in such cases the admission should be denied immediately. The Principal/Head of the college/Institution shall be held personally responsible for ensuring the correctness of the relevant details in the application, by verifying the original records produced by the candidate. The University will also verify the genuineness of the certificates furnished by the candidates in due course of time and any discrepancies noticed will lead to the cancellation of the admission.
UG CAP 2015 Trial Allotment : available on July 04 1.00 p.m
For UG 2015 Registration to avail seats in the Management, Sports, Lakshadweep, Jammu Kashmir student quota students can register after the First Allotment. The link for fee payment and registration will be made available.
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