► Indian Navy, University Entry Scheme (UES), 2015
Indian Navy, University Entry Scheme (UES), 2015
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Indian Navy
University Entry Scheme (UES) 2015
Applications are invited from unmarried candidates who fulfill eligibility condition of Nationality as laid down by the Government of India for grant of Permanent Commission (PC) in Executive (GS) and Short Service Commission (SSC) in Executive and Technical Branches of the Indian Navy under University Entry Scheme (UES), for course commencing June 2016
21 to 24 years as on 01 Jul 2016 (i.e. born between 02 Jul 1992 to 01 Jul 1997 both dates inclulsive).
Educational Qualifications:
Applicant should be in the final year (4th / 5th year) in an AICTE recognised university with one of the following disciplines and should have obtained a minimum of 60 % aggregate marks till pre final year (till VI semester for BE/BTech and VIII Semester for 5 year integrated degree course):
Candidate must have minimum of 60% marks in overall aggregate on completion of BE/B Tech. The candidate opting for Naval Architecture as one of the choice for the UES entry must have 6.75 CGPA overall grade on 10 Point Scale. The candidate failing to meet minimum cut off percentage will not be permitted to join INA Ezhimala.
Branch/Cadre & Streams in BE/B. Tech.:
(a) General Service(X)
(i) Mechanical (ii) Marine (iii) Aeronautical (iv) Production (v) Computer Science Engineering (vi) Information Technology (vii) Control (viii) Electrical
(ix) Electronics (x) Telecommunication
(b) Pilot
Any stream of BE/ B. Tech. (Phy. & Math at 10+2 level)
(c) Observer
Any stream of BE/ B. Tech. (Phy. & Math at 10+2 level
(d) IT
(i) Information Technology (ii) Computer Science Engineering (iii) Computer Engineering
(e) Engineering Branch
(i) Mechanical (ii) Marine (iii) Automobile (iv) Mechtronics (v) Instrumentation (vi) Production (vii) Metallurgy (viii) Aeronautical (ix) Aerospace
(x) Industrial Engineering & Management (xi) Automation and Robotics
(f) Electrical Branch
(i) Electrical (ii) Electronics (iii) Tele Communications (iv) Electronics and Instrumentation (v) Electronics and Communication (vi) Power Engineering (vii) Control System Engineering (viii) Power Electronics (ix) Instrumentation & Control (x) Avionics
(g) Naval Architecture(NA)
(i) Mechanical (ii) Civil (iii) Aeronautical (iv) Aero Space (v) Metallurgy (vi) Naval Architecture
(h) Engineering Branch
(i) Mechanical (ii) Marine (iii) Automobile (iv) Mechtronics (v) Instrumentation (vi) Production (vii) Metallurgy (viii) Industrial Engg. & Management
(ix) Aeronautical Eng (x) Automation and Robotics
(j) Electrical Branch
(i) Electrical (ii) Electronics (iii) Control (iv) Telecommunication (v) Instrumentation (vi) Power Engineering (vii) Electronics and Communication (viii) Power Engineering (ix) Instrumentation & Control
Candidate can submit only Online (e-application) for this entry till 19 Jul 15 through http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/preapplication_ues.php?id=M7A3l36P127Yup6XQp6936P12
Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available to enable the following :-
(a) Correct filling up of personal particulars. Details are to be filled up as given in the Matriculation Certificate.
(b) Fields such as e-mail address, mobile number are mandatory fields and need to be filled.
(c) Candidates are required to upload recent passport size photograph of size less than 25kb(.jpe or .jpg format).
Instruction for filling up of e-application:
(a) Click on the 'Apply Online Officer entry'on the Home page.
(b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have been provided as you highlight each field.
(c) After filling the form click on Preview and check if all the information entered by you are correct.
(d) Before clicking the Print application button, it should be checked where in all the details entered in the form is correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the records. Candidates can take the print of the application form by entering the relevent details.
(e) Print a copy of thisApplication Form having the system generated Application Number. The copy of this application form along with copy of class x, 10+2 and marksheets till sixth semester of B. Tech is to be submited to the Campus Selection Team of Indian Navy at the time of campus interview.
12. Obtain signature of the Principal on the declaration given at the end of the application.
13. Although candidates may be eligible for more than one branch/cadre yet they have to submit only one application and mention priority at para 2 of Application Format. If candidate has submitted Duplicate application, his candidature will be cancelled at any stage of selection process.
The eligible candidates applying for entry will have to appear before a Naval Campus Selection Team for interview. The candidates qualifying the campus interview will be shortlisted for SSB interview on the basis of his/her preference for the entry, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria for particular entry. The final selection of Branch/Cadre will be decided by IHQ-MoD(Navy) depending on number of vacancies in particular Branch/Cadre.
Candidates shortlisted during campus interview will be called for SSB interview at Bangalore/Bhopal/Coimbatore/Visakhapatnam between Dec 15 to Apr 16.
For more information, see the link: http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/pdf/UES/uesjun16.pdf
Posted by our guest writer S . If there is any content violations Report the Administrator by clicking "Report Problem".
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